
About rodolphe mertens
Having got his degree in architecture in 1995 from the Institute Victor Horta, Brussels, Rodolphe Mertens works in Budapest, to Dezs ö Ekler, main character of Hungarian organic architecture. Arrived in 1996 at Luxembourg, he works as collaborator for Nico Steinmetz until 2000, year in which they construct in association the Victor Buck printing, plan nominated at the price of the Architecture of Luxembourg in 2001.
Since 2000, year in which he creates his agency, Rodolphe Mertens worked on various plans, of the habitat on service sector and on industrialist, while having working on several competitions of international range. In 2005, he, in association with Stefano Moreno, nominated in competition «Luxembourg - Railway station: a City district».
In 2001, he meets in Australia the architects Glenn Murcutt, Richard Leplastrier and Peter Stutchbury, who will have on him a decisive footprint by their awakening in influence of environment on the building and their commitment in an ambitious architecture, adapted to site, to climate, and respectful of the human being.